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The HypercertClient provides a high-level interface for interacting with the Hypercert ecosystem. The HypercertClient has three getter methods: storage, indexer, and contract. These methods return instances of the HypercertsStorage, HypercertIndexer, and HypercertMinter classes, respectively.

const {
client: { storage },
} = new HypercertClient({ chain: { id: 11155111 } });

The storage is a utility class that provides methods for storing and retrieving Hypercert metadata off-chain on IPFS. It is used by the HypercertClient to store metadata when creating new Hypercerts.

const {
client: { indexer },
} = new HypercertClient({ chain: { id: 11155111 } });

The indexer is a utility class that provides methods for indexing and searching Hypercerts based on various criteria. It is used by the HypercertClient to retrieve event-based data via the subgraph.

const {
client: { contract },
} = new HypercertClient({ chain: { id: 11155111 } });

Finally we have a contract that provides methods for interacting with the HypercertMinter smart contract. It is used by the HypercertClient to create new Hypercerts and retrieve specific on-chain information.

By providing instances of these classes through the storage, indexer, and contract getters, the HypercertClient allows developers to easily interact with the various components of the Hypercert system directly. For example, a developer could use the storage instance to store metadata for a new Hypercert, the indexer instance to search for existing Hypercerts based on various criteria, and the contract instance to create new Hypercerts and retrieve existing Hypercerts from the contract.


For indexing purposes, we rely on the Graph to index Hypercert events. To make the subgraph easily accessible with typed methods and object we provide a client that wraps urql into an opiniated set of queries.

Live graph playground

To inspect the subgraph and explore queries, have a look at the Graph playground for Goerli testnet and Optimism mainnet:

Graph client

Since the client is fully typed, it's easy to explore the functionalities using code completion in IDEs.

Here's one example from our frontend where we let react-query frequently update the call to the graph:

import { useHypercertClient } from "./hypercerts-client";
import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";

export const useFractionsByOwner = (owner: `0x${string}`) => {
const {
client: { indexer },
} = useHypercertClient();

return useQuery(
["hypercerts", "fractions", "owner", owner],
() => indexer.fractionsByOwner(owner),
{ enabled: !!owner, refetchInterval: 5000 },

Queries: Claims

These tables show the input parameters and output fields for each of the GraphQL queries in claims.graphql. A claim represents 1 Hypercert and all of the common data across all claim/fraction tokens.


The ClaimsByOwner query retrieves an array of claims that belong to a specific owner.


The query takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeDescriptionDefault Value
ownerBytesThe address of the owner whose claims to retrieve.""
orderDirectionOrderDirectionThe direction to order the claims.asc
firstIntThe number of claims to retrieve.100
skipIntThe number of claims to skip.0

The query returns an array of claim objects that match the input parameters. Each claim object has the following fields:

contractBytesThe address of the contract.
tokenIDStringThe token ID.
creatorBytesThe address of the creator.
idIDThe ID of the claim.
ownerBytesThe address of the owner.
totalUnitsBigIntThe total number of units.
uriStringThe URI of the claim metadata.


The RecentClaims query retrieves an array of the most recent claims on the Hypercert platform.


The query takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeDescriptionDefault Value
orderDirectionOrderDirectionThe direction to order the claims.asc
firstIntThe number of claims to retrieve.100
skipIntThe number of claims to skip.0

The query returns an array of claim objects that match the input parameters. Each claim object has the following fields:

contractBytesThe address of the contract.
tokenIDStringThe token ID.
creatorBytesThe address of the creator.
idIDThe ID of the claim.
ownerBytesThe address of the owner.
totalUnitsBigIntThe total number of units.
uriStringThe URI of the claim metadata.


The ClaimById query retrieves a single claim by its ID on the Hypercert platform.


The query takes the following input parameters:

idID!The ID of the claim to retrieve.

The query returns a claim object that matches the input parameter. The claim object has the following fields:

contractBytesThe address of the contract.
tokenIDStringThe token ID.
creatorBytesThe address of the creator.
idIDThe ID of the claim.
ownerBytesThe address of the owner.
totalUnitsBigIntThe total number of units.
uriStringThe URI of the claim metadata.

Queries: Fractions

These tables show the input parameters and output fields for each of the GraphQL queries in fractions.graphql. A claim token represents a fraction of ownership of a Hypercert.


The ClaimTokensByOwner query retrieves an array of claim tokens that belong to a specific owner on the Hypercert platform.


The query takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeDescriptionDefault Value
ownerBytesThe address of the owner whose claim tokens to retrieve.""
orderDirectionOrderDirectionThe direction to order the claim tokens. The default value is asc.asc
firstIntThe number of claim tokens to retrieve. The default value is 100.100
skipIntThe number of claim tokens to skip. The default value is 0.0

The query returns an array of claim token objects that match the input parameters. Each claim token object has the following fields:

idIDThe ID of the claim token.
ownerBytesThe address of the owner.
tokenIDStringThe token ID.
unitsBigIntThe number of units.
claimClaimThe claim associated with the claim token.

The Claim object has the following fields:

idIDThe ID of the claim.
creationIntThe timestamp of the claim creation.
uriStringThe URI of the claim metadata.
totalUnitsBigIntThe total number of units.


The ClaimTokensByClaim query retrieves an array of claim tokens that belong to a specific claim on the Hypercert platform.


The query takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeDescriptionDefault Value
claimIdString!The ID of the claim whose claim tokens to retrieve.None
orderDirectionOrderDirectionThe direction to order the claim tokens. The default value is asc.asc
firstIntThe number of claim tokens to retrieve. The default value is 100.100
skipIntThe number of claim tokens to skip. The default value is 0.0

The query returns an array of claim token objects that match the input parameters. Each claim token object has the following fields:

idIDThe ID of the claim token.
ownerBytesThe address of the owner.
tokenIDStringThe token ID.
unitsBigIntThe number of units.

ClaimTokenById Query

The ClaimTokenById query retrieves a single claim token by its ID on the Hypercert platform.


The query takes the following input parameters:

idID!The ID of the claim token to retrieve.

The query returns a claim token object that matches the input parameter. The claim token object has the following fields:

idIDThe ID of the claim token.
ownerBytesThe address of the owner.
tokenIDStringThe token ID.
unitsBigIntThe number of units.
claimClaimThe claim associated with the claim token.

The Claim object has the following fields:

idIDThe ID of the claim.
creationIntThe timestamp of the claim creation.
uriStringThe URI of the claim metadata.
totalUnitsBigIntThe total number of units.


Hypercert Metadata

Currently, all metadata is stored off-chain in IPFS. Use the storage client to retrieve the metadata

const claimId = "0x822f17a9a5eecfd...85254363386255337";
const { indexer, storage } = hypercertsClient;
// Get the on-chain claim
const claimById = await indexer.claimById(claimId);
// Get the off-chain metadata
const metadata = await storage.getMetadata(claimById.claim.uri);