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Upgrading the contract

Validate upgrade

Validate contract upgradeability against deployment.

For example, for the goerli deployment:

yarn hardhat validate-upgrade --network goerli --proxy PROXY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS

Propose Upgrade

Propose an upgrade via OpenZeppelin Defender. For more information, see this guide

For example, for the goerli deployment:

yarn build:hardhat
yarn hardhat propose-upgrade --network goerli --proxy PROXY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --multisig OWNER_MULTISIG_ADDRESS

This will output an OpenZeppelin URL that multi-sig members can use to approve/reject the upgrade.

Publish to npm

After you update the contracts, deploy the contracts/ package to npm.


Update the dependencies in frontend/package.json and sdk/package.json.

If the ABI of the contract has changed, make sure you also update defender/src/HypercertMinterABI.ts.